Normative brain mapping of 3-dimensional morphometry imaging data using skewed functional data analysis


Marco Palma


August 8, 2024

This is the code for the paper “Normative brain mapping of 3-dimensional morphometry imaging data using skewed functional data analysis” by Palma et al., available as a preprint on arxiv.


R packages

p_load(bigmemory, bigstatsr)
p_load(ggplot2, magrittr, fda, pipeR, ggcorrplot, dplyr,
p_load(knitr, knitrProgressBar, glmnet)
p_load(oro.nifti, neurobase, nortest, mgcv, ROCR)
p_load(sn, sp, e1071, FRK)

    theme_classic(base_size = 20)

'%ni%' <- Negate('%in%')
options(digits = 3)

Import data


We import the mask file. Then, we take the MDT (minimal deformation template, the common template for the TBM images), we apply the mask on it and drop the empty dimensions of the array (i.e., those containing all zeros).

mask <- here::here("smoothed_mask_125.nii.gz") %>%
  readNIfTI(fname = .)
fn = here::here("ADNI_ICBM9P_mni_4step_MDT.img")
dimscan <- c(220,220,220)
img_template <- array(readBin(fn, what = "int", n = prod(dimscan), 
                              size = 2, signed = FALSE), 
                      dim = dimscan)

template_resized <- mask_img(img_template, mask, allow.NA = TRUE) %>%
  dropEmptyImageDimensions(., value = 0, threshold = 0, reorient = FALSE) 

dims_mask <- dim(template_resized)
voxel_active <- which(as.vector(template_resized) != 0)

LVA <- length(voxel_active)

The dimensions for the images are now 151, 189, 145 and the number of voxels within the mask is 2019941.

Loading the TBM images

Now it is time to load the TBM images (we recommend to do it on a cluster): you can run the script import_masked_images.R to apply the mask on each image and return a vector with TBM values for the voxels within the mask. Alternatively, you can run the script project_TBM_fast.R to return the coefficients of a basis representation (e.g. B-splines) for each image. Please note: you need to specify the path to the mask and TBM images, and for the project_TBM_fast.R you need to provide as input a design matrix with the basis functions (which you can build using this function on my package neurofundata).

Create training set

We will fit our models on a subset of the imaging dataset. First, we open the ADNIMERGE dataset and we select the 817 subjects for which we have the TBM image.


ADNI_Dx <- readxl::read_excel(here::here("ADNI1_subjects.xlsx"), sheet = 1)
data_ADNI <- dplyr::select(ADNIMERGE::adnimerge, "RID", "PTID", "VISCODE", "AGE", "PTGENDER", "MMSE", "") %>%
  sjlabelled::remove_all_labels(.)   ###,"PTEDUCAT", "PTETHCAT", "PTRACCAT")

data_ADNI_bl_817 <- tibble::as_tibble(filter(data_ADNI, VISCODE== "bl")) %>%
  sjlabelled::remove_all_labels(.) %>%
  inner_join(., ADNI_Dx) %>%

data_ADNI_bl_817 <- sjlabelled::remove_all_labels(data_ADNI_bl_817)

data_ADNI_bl_817$PTGENDERMale <- with(data_ADNI_bl_817,
                                      ifelse(PTGENDER == "Male", 1, 0)) %>%

data_ADNI_bl_817$Dx <- ordered(data_ADNI_bl_817$Dx, levels = c("N","MCI","AD"))
if(all.equal(sjlabelled::remove_all_labels(data_ADNI_bl_817$PTID), data_ADNI_bl_817$Subject)){
  data_ADNI_bl_817 <- dplyr::select(data_ADNI_bl_817, -Subject)
}  ### check that PTID and Subject are the same

normal_PTID <- sjlabelled::remove_all_labels(data_ADNI_bl_817$PTID[data_ADNI_bl_817$Dx == "N"])

MCI_PTID <- sjlabelled::remove_all_labels(data_ADNI_bl_817$PTID[data_ADNI_bl_817$Dx == "MCI"])

AD_PTID <- sjlabelled::remove_all_labels(data_ADNI_bl_817$PTID[data_ADNI_bl_817$Dx == "AD"])

data_ADNI_bl_817 %>% 
  group_by(Dx) %>% 
  summarise("Proportion of females" = mean(PTGENDERMale == 0, na.rm = T),
            mean(AGE), IQR(AGE)) %>% kable()
Dx Proportion of females mean(AGE) IQR(AGE)
N 0.480 75.9 6.2
MCI 0.358 74.7 10.2
AD 0.473 75.3 10.6

Being in a normative model setting, the training set (stratified by sex) will be made of cognitively normal (CN) individuals.


train_PTID <- data_ADNI_bl_817 %>%
    group_by(Dx, PTGENDERMale) %>%
    mutate(num_rows=n()) %>%
    sample_frac(0.8, weight=num_rows) %>%

data_ADNI_bl_817$subs <- with(data_ADNI_bl_817, 
                              ifelse(PTID %in% train_PTID, 
                                     "train", "test")) %>% 

ggplot(data_ADNI_bl_817, aes(AGE, color = Dx, lty = subs)) + 
  geom_density() +   
  scale_color_manual(name = "Diagnosis", values = c("darkblue", "gold3", "#D55E00"))+
  scale_linetype_manual(values=c("solid", "dotted")) 

trainCN <- data_ADNI_bl_817 %>% 
  filter(subs == "train" & Dx == "N") %>% 

testCN <- data_ADNI_bl_817 %>%
  filter(subs == "test" & Dx == "N") %>% 

trainCN_Male <- data_ADNI_bl_817 %>% filter(subs == "train" & Dx == "N" & PTGENDER == "Male") %>% pull(PTID)

filter(data_ADNI_bl_817, subs == "train" & Dx == "N") %>%
  ggplot(aes(AGE, color=PTGENDER)) +
           bins = 15,
           position = "identity", size = 1.2, alpha = 0.5, pad = TRUE
  #labs(x = "Prediction intervals width (years)", y = "Frequency", color = "Diagnosis") +
  #scale_color_manual(name = "Diagnosis",values = rev(c("#009E73", "gold3", "#D55E00")), guide = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE,   override.aes = list(alpha = 1,                                  size = 0.9))) +
  theme_classic(base_size = 18) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "white", size = 1.5) +
  expand_limits(y = 0) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))

The training set is made of 183 individuals.

Select grid for efficient computation

We build a regular grid of voxels within the 3D box containing the mask.

grid_dist <- 8
grid_list <- list(unique(c(seq(1, dims_mask[1], by = grid_dist), dims_mask[1])),
            unique(c(seq(1, dims_mask[2], by = grid_dist), dims_mask[2])),
            unique(c(seq(1, dims_mask[3], by = grid_dist), dims_mask[3])))

allgrid <- expand.grid(x = seq_len(dims_mask[1]), 
                       y = seq_len(dims_mask[2]), 
                       z = seq_len(dims_mask[3]),
                       KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE)

knot_loc <- which(allgrid$x %in% grid_list[[1]] & 
             allgrid$y %in% grid_list[[2]] &
             allgrid$z %in% grid_list[[3]])

allgrid$knots <- 0
allgrid$knots[knot_loc] <- 1

The spacing between consecutive knots is prespecified to be equal to 8 mm in each dimension.

Workflow of the analysis

We are now ready to perform the skew-normal modelling at the voxelwise level. In the diagramme below, (V) means that the content of the block applies to all \(V\) voxels in the mask, while (V*) refers to steps applied only on the \(V^*\) voxels in the grid.

First, we import the TBM vectors and we select the voxels in the grid for the subjects in the training set, as well as the corresponding covariates.

xdesc <- dget(here::here("tbm_data.desc"))
xdesc@description$dirname <- paste0(here::here(),"/")
tbm_data <- attach.big.matrix(xdesc)

data_PTID <- read.table(here::here("data_PTID.txt"), quote="\"", comment.char="")$V1 %>%

tbm_data_FBM_knots <- big_copy(tbm_data, 
                               ind.row = which(data_PTID %in% trainCN),   
                               ind.col = which(voxel_active %in% knot_loc))

rownames(data_ADNI_bl_817) <- data_ADNI_bl_817$PTID
data_ADNI_bl_817 <- data_ADNI_bl_817[data_PTID, ]
rownames(data_ADNI_bl_817) <- data_ADNI_bl_817$PTID
ADNI_covariates <- data_ADNI_bl_817[data_PTID[which(data_PTID %in% trainCN)],] %>%
  mutate(AGEminus70 = AGE - 70
         ,PTGENDER = as.factor(PTGENDER)
         ) %>%  
  dplyr::select(AGEminus70, PTGENDER) 

The knots within the mask are 3949.

At those voxels, we fit the skew-normal regression using age and gender (and their interaction) as covariates. Please note: the code below fits sequentially a skew-normal regression model for each voxel on the grid, therefore it will take a few minutes. The output of the regressions is a set of three parameters (location, scale, skewness) in CP (centered parameterisation, see SN package) at each knot on the grid.

fit2 <- function(col1, data = ADNI_covariates){
  model.matrix(~ AGEminus70*PTGENDER, data = data) %>% ####ADD interaction
    sn.mple(x = .,
            y = col1,
            opt.method="nlminb", penalty=NULL) %>% 

options(kpb.suppress_noninteractive = TRUE)
pb <- progress_estimated(ncol(tbm_data_FBM_knots))

fitskew_time <- system.time(
  params_gridmat <- apply(tbm_data_FBM_knots[], 2, fit2) %>%
    t(.) %>% 

allgrid_CN <- data.frame(allgrid, 
                       mask = as.vector(template_resized))

n1 <- ncol(allgrid_CN)

allgrid_CN[with(allgrid_CN, knots*mask>0),n1 + 1:(ncol(params_gridmat))] <- params_gridmat

#save(allgrid_CN, data_ADNI_bl_817, voxel_active, file = "CN_allgrid_agesex.RData")

Radial basis functions

To obtain a 3D version of radial basis functions, we have built a 3D version of the plane function from the package FRK. Although the structure of the following function is very close to the corresponding function on the package, please reuse it with caution.


plane3D <- function(measure=Euclid_dist(dim=3L)) {

## Constructor for plane

measure <- function(dist,dim) {
    ## Basic checks
        stop("dist needs to be a function that accepts dim arguments")
    if(!(is.numeric(dim) | is.integer(dim)))
        stop("dim needs to be an integer, generally 1L, 2L or 3L")
    dim = as.integer(dim)              # coerce to integer if numeric
    new("measure",dist=dist,dim=dim)   # init. object

Euclid_dist <- function(dim=2L) {
    ## Euclidean distance
    stopifnot(is.integer(dim))   # dimension needs to be integer
    new("measure",               # init. measure object with the distR function
        dist=function(x1,x2) distR(x1,x2), dim=dim)

          function(.Object,measure=Euclid_dist(dim=3L)) {
    .Object@type <- "plane3D"       # set type
    .Object@measure <- measure    # set measure

.GRBF_wrapper <- function(manifold,mu,std) {
    function(s) {
        stopifnot(ncol(s) == dimensions(manifold)) # Internal checking
        dist_sq <- distance(manifold,s,mu)^2
        exp(-0.5* dist_sq/(std^2) )

.MQ_wrapper <- function(manifold,mu,std) {
    function(s) {
        stopifnot(ncol(s) == dimensions(manifold)) # Internal checking
        dist_sq <- distance(manifold,s,mu)^2
        1/sqrt(1 + (dist_sq*std)^2)   ###(dist_sq^2 + std^2)^1.03     

.check_basis_function_args <- function(manifold,loc,scale) {
        stop("Basis functions need to be evaluated using locations inside a matrix")
    if(!(dimensions(manifold) == ncol(loc)))
        stop("Incorrect number of columns for the argument loc")
        stop("The scale parmaeter needs to be numeric")
    if(!(scale > 0))
        stop("The scale parameter needs to be greater than zero")

local_basis <- function(manifold=sphere(),          # default manifold is sphere
                        loc=matrix(c(1,0),nrow=1),  # one centroid at (1,0)
                        scale=1,                    # std = 1, and Gaussian RBF
                        type=c("bisquare","Gaussian","exp","Matern32", "multiquadric")) {

    ## Basic checks
    if(!is.matrix(loc)) stop("loc needs to be a matrix")
    if(!(dimensions(manifold) == ncol(loc))) stop("number of columns in loc needs to be the
                                                  same as the number of manifold dimensions")
    if(!(length(scale) == nrow(loc))) stop("need to have as many scale parameters as centroids")
    type <- match.arg(type)

    n <- nrow(loc)                                # n is the number of centroids
    colnames(loc) <- c(outer("loc",1:ncol(loc),   # label dimensions as loc1,loc2,...,locn
                             FUN = paste0))

    fn <- pars <- list()  # initialise lists of functions and parameters
    for (i in 1:n) {
        ## Assign the functions as determined by user
        if(type=="bisquare") {
            fn[[i]] <-  .bisquare_wrapper(manifold,matrix(loc[i,],nrow=1),scale[i])
        } else if (type=="Gaussian") {
            fn[[i]] <-  .GRBF_wrapper(manifold,matrix(loc[i,],nrow=1),scale[i])
        } else if (type=="exp") {
            fn[[i]] <-  .exp_wrapper(manifold,matrix(loc[i,],nrow=1),scale[i])
        } else if (type=="Matern32") {
            fn[[i]] <-  .Matern32_wrapper(manifold,matrix(loc[i,],nrow=1),scale[i])
        } else if (type=="multiquadric") {
            fn[[i]] <-  .MQ_wrapper(manifold,matrix(loc[i,],nrow=1),scale[i])

        ## Save the parameters to the parameter list (loc and scale)
        pars[[i]] <- list(loc = matrix(loc[i,],nrow=1), scale=scale[i])
    ## Create a data frame which summarises info about the functions. Set resolution = 1
    df <- data.frame(loc,scale,res=1)

    ## Create new basis function, using the manifold, n, functions, parameters list, and data frame.
    this_basis <- Basis(manifold = manifold,  n = n, fn = fn, pars = pars, df = df)

Now we create the local basis functions centered at the knots of the grid which fall within the mask. The scale parameter is set to be smaller than the distance between adjacent knots. The design matrix with the radial basis functions is saved.

basis_locs <- data.frame(allgrid_CN) %>% 
  filter(mask*knots >  0) %>% 
  dplyr::select(x,y,z) %>% 

G <- local_basis(manifold = plane3D(),

coords<-filter(allgrid_CN, mask>0) %>%
                    dplyr::select(x,y,z) %>%

fun1 <- function(xx, maxdist){
  ii <- FRK::distR(coords, matrix(xx, nrow = 1)) %>% 
      magrittr::is_less_than(maxdist) %>% 
  ji <- which(apply(basis_locs, 1, function(x) identical(x, xx))) %>%
    rep(., length(ii))

  xi <- coords[ii, ]   %>%  ##row index of xx in basis_locs
      G@fn[[unique(ji)]](.) %>%
    return(list(i=ii, p = length(ii) , x = xi))  #j=ji
pb <- progress_estimated(nrow(basis_locs))

radial_design_mat <- apply(basis_locs, 1, fun1, maxdist = grid_dist*2) %>>% 
    dims=c(nrow(coords), length(.)),

save(radial_design_mat, file = paste0("RBF_", grid_dist, "mm.RData"))

Then, we use glmnet to get a location, scale and skewness parameter for all the voxels outside the grid, thus covering the entire images. In other words, we are interpolating to obtain parameter functions across the rest of the brain images.


ind2<-  with(allgrid_CN, which(knots*mask > 0))

allgrid_CN$mean_radial <- NA

mod1 <- allgrid_CN %>%
  filter(., mask > 0) %>%
  with(., which(knots == 1)) %>%
  radial_design_mat[., ] %>%
  cbind(basis_locs, .) %>%
                 lambda = 0,
                 intercept = TRUE)

allgrid_CN$mean_radial[voxel_active] <- cbind(1, coords, radial_design_mat) %*% coef(mod1) %>%


allgrid_CN$SD_radial <- NA

mod1 <- allgrid_CN %>%
  filter(., mask > 0) %>%
  with(., which(knots == 1)) %>%
  radial_design_mat[., ] %>%
  cbind(basis_locs, .) %>%
                 lambda = 0,
                 intercept = TRUE)

allgrid_CN$SD_radial[voxel_active] <- cbind(1, coords, radial_design_mat) %*% coef(mod1) %>%
    exp() %>% as.vector()

allgrid_CN$gamma1_radial <- NA

mod1 <- allgrid_CN %>% 
  filter(., mask > 0) %>% 
  with(., which(knots == 1)) %>%
  radial_design_mat[., ] %>%
  cbind(basis_locs, .) %>%
                 qnorm((allgrid_CN$gamma1[ind2]/0.9952719 + 1)/2),
                 lambda = 0,
                 intercept = TRUE)

allgrid_CN$gamma1_radial[voxel_active] <- cbind(1, coords, radial_design_mat) %*% coef(mod1) %>%
  as.numeric(.) %>%
  pnorm(.) %>%
  magrittr::multiply_by(2) %>%
  magrittr::subtract(1) %>% 
  magrittr::multiply_by(0.9952719) %>%

Association with age and sex

We can plot the association of the covariates with the mean of the TBM value at each voxel. In particular, we can look at the intercept (that can be interpreted as the mean for the reference category, that is, a 70-year-old female CN subject.


basis_locs <- data.frame(allgrid_CN) %>% 
  filter(mask*knots >  0) %>% 
  dplyr::select(x,y,z) %>% 

ind2<-  with(allgrid_CN, which(knots*mask > 0))

intercept_coefSN <- rep(NA, nrow(allgrid_CN))

mod1 <- allgrid_CN %>% 
  filter(., mask > 0) %>% 
  with(., which(knots == 1)) %>%
  radial_design_mat[., ] %>%
                 lambda = 0,
                 intercept = TRUE)

intercept_coefSN[voxel_active] <- cbind(1, radial_design_mat) %*% coef(mod1) %>%   

slices_plot(intercept_coefSN[voxel_active], dims = dims_mask, voxels = voxel_active, 
              mask.under = template_resized>0, alpha = 1, col.threshold = 1000)

Below is the age main effect in the normative population (i.e. the change in TBM values corresponding to a 1-year age increase for CN females).

age_coefSN <- rep(NA, nrow(allgrid_CN))

mod1 <- allgrid_CN %>% 
  filter(., mask > 0) %>% 
  with(., which(knots == 1)) %>%
  radial_design_mat[., ] %>%
                 lambda = 0,
                 intercept = TRUE)

age_coefSN[voxel_active] <- cbind(1, radial_design_mat) %*% coef(mod1) %>%  

slices_plot(age_coefSN[voxel_active], dims = dims_mask, voxels = voxel_active, 
              mask.under = template_resized>0, alpha = 1)

The figure below shows the sex main effect in the normative population (i.e. the average difference in TBM values between CN males and CN females at the same age).

PTGENDERMale_coefSN <- rep(NA, nrow(allgrid_CN))

mod1 <- allgrid_CN %>% 
  filter(., mask > 0) %>% 
  with(., which(knots == 1)) %>%
  radial_design_mat[., ] %>%
                 lambda = 0,
                 intercept = TRUE)

PTGENDERMale_coefSN[voxel_active] <- cbind(1, radial_design_mat) %*% coef(mod1) %>%  

slices_plot(PTGENDERMale_coefSN[voxel_active], dims = dims_mask, voxels = voxel_active, 
              mask.under = template_resized>0, alpha = 1)

The figure below shows the age-sex interaction in the normative population (i.e. the change in TBM values corresponding to a 1-year age increase for CN males).

interaction_coefSN <-  rep(NA, nrow(allgrid_CN))

mod1 <- allgrid_CN %>% 
  filter(., mask > 0) %>% 
  with(., which(knots == 1)) %>%
  radial_design_mat[., ] %>%
  #cbind(basis_locs, .) %>%
                 lambda = 0,
                 intercept = TRUE)

interaction_coefSN[voxel_active] <- cbind(1, radial_design_mat) %*% coef(mod1) %>%  

slices_plot(interaction_coefSN[voxel_active], dims = dims_mask, voxels = voxel_active, 
              mask.under = template_resized>0, alpha = 1)

You can now plot the mean for e.g. a 87-year-old female CN subject.

slices_plot(intercept_coefSN[voxel_active] + 17*age_coefSN[voxel_active], 
            dims = dims_mask, voxels = voxel_active, 
            mask.under = template_resized>0, alpha.val = 1, 
            legend.range = c(700,1400),
            col.threshold = 1000)

Compute z-maps

Let us now look at the left-hand side of the workflow.

For each TBM image, we can now compute the z-values on the voxels on the grid and then interpolate on the rest of the images. Then, we can compute indices of abnormality for each image. This can be done for each image (in the training as well as the test set, either cognitively normal or with diseases) with the script produce_zmaps_covariates.R (we recommend to do it on a cluster). Then the indices are joined in a single table.

Indices of abnormality

We compute a lot of indices: the mean of the z-values, their median, their range, their variance etc… You could also take an extreme block (say, the 99.99-th percentile) and compute the mean of that. You would expect larger extremes to be associated with departure from the normative population, possibly linked with some cognitive impairment.

The figures below show boxplots of one specific index of deviation by diagnosis. MCI and AD groups show a higher median with respect to the CN group. The score is also higher for MCI+AD on average across ADAS13 values and in the age range considered.

zmap_stats <- read.table(here::here("zmaps_stats_agesexinter.dat"),
                         quote="\"", comment.char="", 
                         col.names = c("PTID", "mean_zmap", "median_zmap", "diffrange_zmap",
                                       "var_zmap", "IQR_zmap", "expos_zmap", "exneg_zmap",
                                       "meanposblock_zmap", "meannegblock_zmap",
                                       "meanabsblock_zmap", "norm_zmap"))

zmap_stats <- left_join(zmap_stats, data_ADNI_bl_817, by = "PTID")

ggplot(zmap_stats, aes(x = Dx, y = meanabsblock_zmap, color = Dx)) + 
  geom_boxplot()  +  
  #geom_violin(draw_quantiles = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75))  +  
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(y = expression(u["0.9999"]^{abs}))+
  scale_color_manual(name = "Diagnosis", values = c("#009E73", "gold3", "#D55E00")) +
  scale_x_discrete(name = "Diagnosis", labels=c("CN","MCI","AD"))

ggplot(data = zmap_stats, aes(y = meanabsblock_zmap, x =, color = factor(1*(Dx!="N")))) + 
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5) + 
  geom_smooth(lwd = 1.5) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  labs(y = expression(u["0.9999"]^{abs}), x = "ADAS13 at study baseline") +
 scale_colour_manual(name = "Diagnosis:       ", values = c("#009E73", "coral2"), labels = c("CN", "MCI+AD"))    

The scores are

zmap_stats %>% 
  ggplot(data = ., aes(y = meanabsblock_zmap,
                                x = AGE, color = factor(1*(Dx!="N")))) + 
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5) + 
  geom_smooth(lwd = 1.5) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  labs(y = expression(u["0.9999"]^{abs}), x = "Age") +
  scale_colour_manual(name = "Diagnosis:       ", values = c("#009E73", "coral2"), labels = c("CN", "MCI+AD"))

Session info

R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31 ucrt)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 22631)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.utf8 
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.utf8   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.utf8
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                           
[5] LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.utf8    

attached base packages:
[1] stats4    splines   stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
[8] methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] ADNIMERGE_0.0.1        Hmisc_4.8-0            Formula_1.2-5         
 [4] survival_3.4-0         lattice_0.20-45        FRK_2.1.5             
 [7] e1071_1.7-13           sp_1.6-0               sn_2.1.1              
[10] ROCR_1.0-11            mgcv_1.9-0             nlme_3.1-160          
[13] nortest_1.0-4          neurobase_1.32.3       oro.nifti_0.11.4      
[16] glmnet_4.1-6           Matrix_1.5-1           knitrProgressBar_1.1.0
[19] knitr_1.41             sjlabelled_1.2.0       dplyr_1.1.4           
[22] ggcorrplot_0.1.4       pipeR_0.6.1.3          fda_6.1.4             
[25] deSolve_1.35           fds_1.8                RCurl_1.98-1.12       
[28] rainbow_3.7            pcaPP_2.0-3            MASS_7.3-58.1         
[31] magrittr_2.0.3         ggplot2_3.5.1          bigstatsr_1.5.12      
[34] bigmemory_4.6.1        pacman_0.5.1          

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] readxl_1.4.1        uuid_1.1-0          backports_1.4.1    
  [4] spam_2.9-1          plyr_1.8.8          TMB_1.9.4          
  [7] RNifti_1.5.0        digest_0.6.31       foreach_1.5.2      
 [10] htmltools_0.5.4     fansi_1.0.3         checkmate_2.1.0    
 [13] cluster_2.1.4       doParallel_1.0.17   ks_1.14.0          
 [16] bigassertr_0.1.6    hdrcde_3.4          matrixStats_0.63.0 
 [19] R.utils_2.12.2      xts_0.13.1          jpeg_0.1-10        
 [22] colorspace_2.0-3    xfun_0.38           jsonlite_1.8.4     
 [25] bigmemory.sri_0.1.6 flock_0.7           zoo_1.8-12         
 [28] iterators_1.0.14    glue_1.6.2          gtable_0.3.1       
 [31] car_3.1-2           shape_1.4.6         maps_3.4.2         
 [34] abind_1.4-5         scales_1.3.0        mvtnorm_1.1-3      
 [37] bigparallelr_0.3.2  rstatix_0.7.2       Rcpp_1.0.11        
 [40] viridisLite_0.4.1   htmlTable_2.4.1     bit_4.0.5          
 [43] foreign_0.8-83      proxy_0.4-27        mclust_6.0.0       
 [46] dotCall64_1.0-2     intervals_0.15.3    htmlwidgets_1.6.1  
 [49] DiagrammeR_1.0.10   RColorBrewer_1.1-3  ellipsis_0.3.2     
 [52] ff_4.0.9            pkgconfig_2.0.3     R.methodsS3_1.8.2  
 [55] farver_2.1.1        nnet_7.3-18         deldir_1.0-6       
 [58] utf8_1.2.2          here_1.0.1          tidyselect_1.2.0   
 [61] labeling_0.4.2      rlang_1.1.1         reshape2_1.4.4     
 [64] munsell_0.5.0       cellranger_1.1.0    tools_4.2.2        
 [67] visNetwork_2.1.2    cli_3.6.0           generics_0.1.3     
 [70] broom_1.0.2         evaluate_0.20       stringr_1.5.0      
 [73] fastmap_1.1.0       yaml_2.3.6          purrr_1.0.1        
 [76] R.oo_1.25.0         pracma_2.4.2        compiler_4.2.2     
 [79] rstudioapi_0.14     png_0.1-8           ggsignif_0.6.4     
 [82] spacetime_1.3-0     tibble_3.2.1        statmod_1.5.0      
 [85] stringi_1.7.12      ps_1.7.2            highr_0.10         
 [88] fields_16.2         vctrs_0.6.5         pillar_1.9.0       
 [91] lifecycle_1.0.3     data.table_1.14.6   cowplot_1.1.1      
 [94] bitops_1.0-7        insight_0.19.2      R6_2.5.1           
 [97] latticeExtra_0.6-30 KernSmooth_2.23-20  gridExtra_2.3      
[100] codetools_0.2-18    rprojroot_2.0.3     withr_2.5.0        
[103] mnormt_2.1.1        parallel_4.2.2      grid_4.2.2         
[106] rpart_4.1.19        tidyr_1.3.0         class_7.3-20       
[109] rmio_0.4.0          rmarkdown_2.19      carData_3.0-5      
[112] sparseinv_0.1.3     ggpubr_0.6.0        numDeriv_2016.8-1.1
[115] base64enc_0.1-3     interp_1.1-3