
Lexical semantic change for Ancient Greek and Latin

Change and its precondition, variation, are inherent in languages. Over time, new words enter the lexicon, others become obsolete, and existing words acquire new senses. Associating a word's correct meaning in its historical context is a central …

Vortit Italice. La lingua italiana della traduzione. Linee guida per la definizione del traduttese dalle lingue classiche

The task of translating ancient languages into Italian has distinctive features with respect translating from modern, currently spoken languages. The differences are even more pronounced in translation practices at school, where students are still …

Semantic Change

Bayesian models for semantic change in Ancient Greek

A computational approach to lexical polysemy in Ancient Greek

Language is a complex and dynamic system. If we consider word meaning, which is the scope of lexical semantics, we observe that some words have several meanings, thus displaying lexical polysemy. In this article, we present the first phase of a …

GASC: Genre-Aware Semantic Change for Ancient Greek

Word meaning changes over time, depending on linguistic and extra-linguistic factors. Associating a word's correct meaning in its historical context is a central challenge in diachronic research, and is relevant to a range of NLP tasks, including …

Vortit Italice

Studying translationese in high school translations from ancient languages